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                ORIGAMI AUBERGINE

This is how to fold lifesize aubergines out of a paper square which is purple on one
side and green on the other. It's easy to make this paper yourself by just adding a
Fold an Origami Auberginegreen paper to a purple paper.

Origami Aubergines
Step 1:
Prefold in half over these four lines.

Fold an Origami Aubergine


Fold an Origami Aubergine

Fold an Origami Aubergine                                                                        


Fold an Origami Aubergine

Step 6:
Bookfold one edge to the left

Step 5:
Press / fold these edges downwards over the prefolded lines.
Repeat step 3 to 5 on the backside.

Step 2:
This is the other side of the paper.
Fold over the two lines at the bottom right, then over the two diagonal lines. And then over the two lines at the top left.

Step 4:
Fold over the pink line.

Fold an Origami Aubergine

Step 3:
Prefold over these two lines.

Fold an Origami Aubergine
Step 10:
Close the edges by folding over the two pink lines, use glue if necessary.
Do the same on the backside.


Fold an Origami Aubergine


Fold an Origami Aubergine

Step 8:
Fold both purple edges sidewards, to reveal the green side of the paper.
Repeat on the other three flaps.
Step 9:
Fold the four flaps downwards and rotate the model 180 degrees, see next photo.

Step 7:
Fold the flap upwards.
Repeat step 6 and 7 on the backside.

Aubergines in a small bowl

Fold an Origami Aubergine

Step 16:
Glue these two edges together.

Step 15:
Fold the four upper flaps outwards.
Step 12:
Valley-fold this prefolded line to the left.
Step 11:
Fold over this pink line, fold over all paper layers in one. Open the layers afterwards, see arrow.
Step 14:
Fold on the four edges at the bottom.


Fold an Origami Aubergine


Fold an Origami Aubergine

Fold an Origami Aubergine Fold an Origami Aubergine                                                                        
Fold an Origami Aubergine

Step 13:
Open the model, using something like a pencil makes it easier.


Fold an Origami Aubergine


Fold an Origami Aubergine


Step 17:
Glue the other two edges to the model.




Origami Aubergine

This is a DIY-video fior making the aubergines:



Origami Aubergines

Photo: Aubergine shaped handbag, Origami fruit cocktail, Origami chocolate cake slice, Origami aubergines and Origami flowers

Origami Aubergines