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    Origami Shoulder Bag / Clutch
This is a tutorial for making a clutch out of pink wrapping paper.

Make an Origami shoulder bag
Origami shoulder bag

Step 1:
Take a large piece of wrapping paper.

Checkered shoulder bag made of pink wrapping paper

Make an Origami shoulder bag


Make an Origami shoulder bag

Make an Origami shoulder bag                                                                        


Make an Origami shoulder bag

Step 6:
Fold to the centerline one more time and unfold the model.

Step 5:
Fold the edges to the centerline.

Step 2:
Cut along the pink edge.
Make 2 large squares this way.

Step 4:
Fold the edges to the centerline.

Make an Origami shoulder bag

Step 3:
Prefold in half over both lines.

Make an Origami shoulder bag
Step 10:
Both mountain-folds are prefolded


Make an Origami shoulder bag


Make an Origami shoulder bag

Step 8:
Fold over these two lines, the mountain-fold is already prefolded.
Step 9:
This mountain-fold is also prefolded

Step 7:
Repeat steps 4 to 6 in this direction.

Make an Origami shoulder bag

Step 16:

Step 15:
Use glue to connect the edges
Step 12:
Both mountain-folds are already prefolded
Step 11:
Repeat step 10 over the whole model, see arrow
Step 14:
Fold both edges backwards


Make an Origami shoulder bag


Make an Origami shoulder bag

Make an Origami shoulder bag Make an Origami shoulder bag                                                                        
Make an Origami shoulder bag

Step 13:
Repeat step 12 over the whole model, see arrow.


Origami clutch


Make an Origami shoulder bag


Step 18:
Prefold and cut in half.
Then fold both rectangles in half over the length a few times.

Step 17:
Prefold and cut the other large square in half

Make an Origami shoulder bag




Make an Origami shoulder bag


Picture: Bag with Origami flowers, Origami Flamingo boxes, Origami Unicorn pencil toppers, Newspaper Origami doll dress and an Origami shoulder bag

Step 19:
Glue/tape both strips together and fold the ends in half.
Glue/tape both ends to the inside of the bag.


Origami shoulder bag
Origami shoulder bag


This is a DIY video tutorial for making the paper shoulder bag:

Kawaii Origami models