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Doll Witch with Broom

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This is how to fold a witches broom out of a paper square,
each side has another color.
Make an Origami Witch Broom

Step 1:
Mountain-fold the paper in half and fold both edges to this centerline.

Make an Origami Witch Broom


Make an Origami Witch Broom

Make an Origami Witch Broom                                                                        


Make an Origami Witch Broom

Step 6:
Fold over the two outer lines and then over the centerline.

Step 5:
Press flat and turn the model.

Step 2:
Fold over the upper paper layer. Repeat on the backside.

Step 4:
Fold these two corners inwards.

Make an Origami Witch Broom

Step 3:
Fold over these two lines.

Make an Origami Witch Broom


Origami Witch Broom

Origami Witch Broom                                                                        

This is a DIY video for folding the witches broom:


Step 7:
This is the frontside of the model. Make zig-zag folds and open the model from below, see arrow.

Doll Witch with Broom and Black Cat



Doll Witch with Broom