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            Origami Mexican CACTUS

This is how to fold a cactus out of a long rectangular paper.

Fold an Origami cactus

Origami Mexican Cactus

Step 1:
Tape / glue three squares together first.
Fold in half.

Origami cactus paper

Fold an Origami cactus


Fold an Origami cactus

Fold an Origami cactus                                                                        


Fold an Origami cactus

Step 6:
Fold the edges to the centerline.
Then unfold the folds of step 5 and 6

Step 5:
Fold the edges to the centerline.

Step 2:
Fold over these two lines.

Step 4:
Prefold in half

Fold an Origami cactus

Step 3:
Make the same fold on the backside.

Fold an Origami cactus
Step 10:
Repeat step 8 and 9 with this part


Fold an Origami cactus


Fold an Origami cactus

Step 8:
Pull the left part upwards.
Step 9:
Press inwards from aside.

Step 7:
Make zig zag folds over the prefolded lines.

Origami Mexican Cactus in a small vase with pebbles

Fold an Origami cactus

Step 16:
Fold the 12 upper edges downwards, see yellow lines as example

Step 15:
Glue these two edges to the edges on the backside
Step 12:
And repeat step 8 and 9 here
Step 11:
Repeat step 8 and 9.
Step 14:
Pull / fold these two edges backwards


Fold an Origami cactus


Fold an Origami cactus

Fold an Origami cactus Fold an Origami cactus                                                                        
Fold an Origami cactus

Step 13:
Glue this edge to the edge on the backside


Fold an Origami cactus


Origami Mexican Cactus

Cactuses in a greenhouse

Origami flower garden


This is an Origami video tutorial for folding the cactus:







Origami cactuses

Origami cactuses                                                                        


Origami Cactus