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             Origami CHAIR
This is how to fold a dollhouse Origami chair.

Fold an Origami chair

Origami dollhouse

Step 1:
The other side of this paper is white.
Fold in half

Fold an Origami chair


Fold an Origami chair

Fold an Origami chair                                                                        


Fold an Origami chair

Step 6:
Fold over these two lines

Step 5:
Fold over the prefolded lines.

Step 2:
Prefold in half

Step 4:
Fold the edges to the centerline. Then unfold the folds of step 3 and 4

Fold an Origami chair

Step 3:
Fold the edges to the centerline

Fold an Origami chair
Step 10:
Press flat.


Fold an Origami chair


Fold an Origami chair

Step 8:
Both folding lines are in the middle of the prefolded lines.
Step 9:
Fold over these two lines.

Step 7:
Press flat.

Origami dollhouse livingroom

Fold an Origami chair

Step 16:
Curve the edges outwards

Step 15:
Fold the flaps straight upwards and turn the model.
Step 12:
Fold both edges straight upwards.
Step 11:
Slide the edge under the edge on the right
Step 14:
Fold both flaps in half, use glue if necessary.


Fold an Origami chair


Fold an Origami chair

Fold an Origami chair Fold an Origami chair                                                                        
Fold an Origami chair


Step 13:
Fold the edge on the right straight upwards over the pink line.


Fold an Origami chair


Origami chair

Origami dollhouse livingroom


This is a video tutorial for folding the chair: