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Make a paper Origami Club Sandwich
This is an easy way to make a realistic and tasty
looking Club Sandwich
using only just a few colored papers.
Step 1: The
bread papers are 6x6 inches or 15x15 centimeters.
The salad leaf and tomato papers are 3x3 inches or 7,5x7,5
Origami Club Sandwiches
Step 6: Make
a paper ball
Step 5: Prefold
over these two lines, use the prefolded lines as guidance, see
Step 2: Prefold
Step 4: Prefold
over these four lines.
Step 3: Prefold
over these two lines.
Step 10: Valley-fold
on both flaps
Step 8: Fold
over these two prefolded lines
Step 9: Fold
both corners inwards and the four edges upwards
Step 7: Unfold
Origami workshop
Step 16: Make
about four of these salad leafs.
Step 15: Press
the edges inwards
Step 12: Close
the model, see arrows and make sharper folding lines, see blue
Step 11: Fold
over these two prefolded lines
Step 14: Make
(almost) random folds on the edges
Step 13: Make
three of these bread pieces
Step 21: This
is all you need for one completed Origami Club Sandwich.
Step 19: Fold
the edges downwards
Step 20: Make
about four tomato slices
Step 18: Prefold.
Step 17: Make
(almost) random folds on the edges
Step 22: These
pictures show how the model is completed.
looking tasty.... I'm getting hungry!
This DIY-video by Joost Langeveld also shows you how to make the
Club Sandwich: