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Origami Cotton Plant

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                ORIGAMI COTTON PLANT

This is a DIY tutorial for making a decorative paper cotton plant out of four
different folded Origami parts:
The boll, the bulb, the main stem and the tiny stems for the bolls and bulbs.

Step 1:
This paper is 15x15 centimeters and green on one side.
Prefold in half four times.

Make a paper cotton plant

Make a paper cotton plant


Make a paper cotton plant

Make a paper cotton plant                                                                        


Make a paper cotton plant

Step 6:
Fold over the purple line.
Repeat step 5 and 6 on the other three flaps.

Step 5:
Fold the two white edges outwards.

Step 2:
Fold over these eight lines.

Step 4:
Fold over the two lines at the bottom right, then over the two diagonal lines. And then over the two lines at the top left.
All folding lines are prefolded.

Make a paper cotton plant

Step 3:
Fold the corners inwards

Make a paper cotton plant
Step 10:
Pull outwards, see pink arrows.


Make a paper cotton plant


Make a paper cotton plant

Step 8:
Fold the edges inwards over the prefolded lines.
Step 9:
Glue these edges together.

Step 7:
Prefold over the four outer lines and fold the model in a plus (+) shape over the two lines in the middle.

Artificial decorative paper Cotton Plant

Make a paper cotton plant

Step 16:
Repeat steps 7 to 11

Step 15:
Fold the four flaps upwards.
Step 12:
One boll is done now...
Step 11:
Curve the four petals by rolling them up.
Step 14:
This is the other side.
Fold over the two lines at the bottom right, then over the two diagonal lines. And then over the two lines at the top left.
All folding lines are prefolded.


Make a paper cotton plant


Origami Cotton Plant

Make a paper cotton plant Make a paper cotton plant                                                                        
Make a paper cotton plant

Step 13:
The bulb paper is the same as the boll paper.
Repeat step 1 on this paper, then fold the four corners inwards.

Origami Cotton Plant


Make a paper cotton plant


Origami Cotton Plant


Step 21:
Press the tip flat and curve / bend it downwards

Step 19:
Fold over these two lines.

Step 20:
Fold over these two lines and fold the model in half over the prefolded line.

Step 18:
The paper for the small stems is about 7,5x7,5 cm.
Prefold in half and fold over the two outer lines.

Step 17:
And one bulb is also done....

Make a paper cotton plant




Make a paper cotton plant


Make a paper cotton plant                                                                        

Origami Cotton Plant

Make a paper cotton plant                                                                        

Make a paper cotton plant                                                                        

Make a paper cotton plant


Step 22:

Make a paper cotton plant                                                                        

Step 24:
Fold a long green paper around a metal / florist wire.
Make some folds in random directions on a few spots.

Step 23:
Glue a stem to the bottom of each boll and bulb




This is an Origami video tutorial for making the cotton plant:


Origami Cotton Plant

Step 25:
Glue the small stems with boll or bulb to the larger stems.
Origami Cotton Plants                                                                        

Origami Cotton Plant


Origami Cotton Plant


Origami Cotton Plant

Photo: Origami flowers necklace, Origami Dress shaped Gift Box, Origami Cotton Plant and pink Origami Flowers in a frame