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Both sides of the square piece of paper are coloured.
Step 1:
Make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 2:
Make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 3:
And make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 4:
Press the piece at the arrow a bit to
the right, so it
stands straight up.
Step 5:
Make a valley-fold over these 2 lines.
Unfold the folds after you made them.
Step 6:
Pull the piece at the arrow down by
a valley-fold over the white line.
Then, flatten the edges that stand
Use the folds you made in step 5 as
when you flatten the edges.
Step 7:
Fold the piece on the right of the white
to the backside of the model by making a
mountain-fold over the white line.
Then, turn the model.
Step 8:
Pull the pieces at the 2 arrows apart.
Step 9:
Open the 2 pieces by sticking
a finger in them.
Lay the model upside-down.
Step 10:
Press the pieces at the arrows a bit
Then turn the model again.
Step 11:
You need about 8 of these flowers to
make the
complete arrangement.
Step 12:
The ends of the flowers are glued to one
long stem.
here if you want to see diagrams for a stem.
Glue 2 of these stems together to make
one long stem.
The stem is placed in a vase that is
filled with foam.
Step 13:
Large leaves are inserted
around the bottom of the stem
here if you want to see diagrams for the leafs.
The flower is ready!
Design of the yellow flowers: Manna Ori