Origami Flower Ring
This is a short tutorial for folding a ring with flower
Step 1: The paper is
about 12x12 centimeters, pink on one side and yellow on the other.
Prefold and cut in half.
Step 8: Press
the edges inwards, see arrows
Step 6: Fold
over these two lines
Step 11: Press
each petal flat and curve it downwards
Step 10: Bend
the ring and insert it in the opening on the backside of the flower,
use glue if necessary.
Step 9: Fold
the edges in half.
Step 5: Press
flat and repeat step 4 and 5 on the other side.
Shiny pink Origami flower rings
you've made a rectangle Origami paper. Fold in half
Step 7: Use
transparent tape to make a real shiny ring.
Prefold over these four lines.
Step 3: Fold
over these two lines
Step 2:
Fold over this line.
Step 4: Fold
over this line.
This Origami video also shows you how to fold the flower ring:
above: Necklace with Origami
flower ring charm. Picture on the right:
Clutch with paper tassel, Vase with Origami flowers and an
Origami flower hair accessory.