Step 1: This
bag is folded out of polka dots wrapping paper taped to shiny purple
wrapping paper, cut/folded into a4-size.
Prefold in half over this line
Step 8: Press
these two edges inwards with your finger by making an inside reverse
fold over the yellow lines.
Step 6: Pull
the edges of the rectangular part upwards. Then valley-fold over the
two yellow lines.
Step 13: Press
the bag inwards from aside by folding over these three lines. Do the
same on the other side.
Step 12: Valley-fold
over this line. Then tape or glue the edges of the bag together.
Step 11: Make
an inside reverse fold over these two sets of three lines.
Step 10: Prefold
over these two lines. The part between both lines is half the width of
the bag itself.
Step 9: Prefold
the pink part in half.
Step 5: Push/pull
both corners to the right by making an inside reverse fold over the
yellow lines.
Valley-fold over the pink line while you do this.
Kawaii Origami gift bags
with bow
Step 7: Valley-fold
over these two lines, the flaps go under the rectangular part.
Then, press everything flat.
Step 3: Valley-fold
over these two lines.
Step 2: Fold the edges to
the centerline
Step 4: Valley-fold
over this line.
Step 14: This
is how to close the bag.
video by Joost Langeveld also has instructions for folding the gift bag: