This is how to fold tasty looking Origami Hot Dogs.
Step 1: The
Origami paper is made of two squares glued together. One side is a
little darker than the other side.
Prefold in half, then fold the right edge to the centerline.
Step 6: Prefold
over both lines
Step 5: Fold
the upper layer in half on both edges.
Step 2: Fold
over these two lines. The left line is the prefolded centerline.
Step 4: Press
flat, see arrows.
Step 3: This
is the other side of the model.
Fold over these two lines.
Step 10: Fold
into a straight angle
Step 8: Prefold
over these lines.
Step 9: Fold
/ pull both edges straight upwards.
Step 7: (Pre)fold
over this line and roll up the right part. Use tape or glue.
selfmade Hot Dogs!
Step 16: Fold
each corner downwards.
Repeat steps 15 and 16 on the other side.
Step 15: Press
the edge inwards from all angles, see arrows.
Step 12: Fold
over this white prefolded line
Step 11: Fold
over these two white prefolded lines.
Step 14: Press
the edge to the right, use glue or tape.
Step 13: And
fold over this white prefolded line.
This is an Origami video tutorial for making the Hot Dogs: