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Both sides of this paper are coloured. The backside is completely blue.
Step 1:
Prefold over these 4 lines.
Then, turn the paper.
Step 2:
Make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.
Step 3:
Turn the model.
Step 4:
Make these folds from the edge of the
to the center, not any further.
First, make 2 valley-folds below, on the
right. Then, make
2 mountain-folds in the middle. And make
2 valley-folds
on the top left.
Step 5:
Pull the piece indicated by the arrow
upwards by
making a valley-fold over the yellow
Step 6:
Press the 2 layers indicated by the
smaller arrows
against each other. Then press the loose
piece flat
from above with your other hand, see
large arrow.
Step 7:
Make a valley-fold over these 2 lines.
Step 8:
Unfold the folds from step 7
Step 9:
Pull the edge indicated by the arrow
upwards by making
a valley-fold over the yellow line.
Step 10:
Press the edges indicated by the arrows
flat from above.
Step 11:
Fold the triangular piece above the
yellow line downwards
by making a valley-fold over this line.
Step 12:
Repeat step 6 to 11 on the other 3 loose
pieces, see arrows.
Step 13:
Pull the 2 petals at the
bottom of each arrow outwards,
in the direction of these arrows.
Step 14:
Fold the triangular piece
above the yellow line to the inside
of the model by making a mountain-fold
over this line.
Step 15:
Press the 2 petals towards
each other again, in the direction
of the arrows.
Step 16:
Now the model is closed again.
Repeat step 13 to 15 on the other 3
triangular pieces.
Step 17:
Push the 2 pieces indicated by the
arrows towards each
other by making a valley-fold over the
yellow line.
Step 18:
Pull the upper layer of paper loose from
the rest of the
model at the places indicated by the 2
Step 19:
Make a valley-fold over these lines, all
lines are prefolded.

Step 20:
Now you've made an extra petal. Fold
this petal upwards
by making a valley-fold over the yellow
Repeat steps 17 to 20 on two other same
pieces of the model.
(you don't have to do anything with the
4th same piece)

Step 21:
Turn the model.
Step 22:
Fold the piece on the right of the
yellow line to the left
by making a valley-fold over this line
Step 23:
The model has 7 petals now: 4 petals are
made of more
layers then the other 3.
Fold this petal downwards by making a
over the
yellow line. Make sure this is a petal
with more paper-layers.
Now the model has 6 petals that stand
upwards. The 3
which are made of the least paper layers
will be on
the inside
of the flower.
Step 24:
Fold the petal indicated by the arrow
downwards by making
a valley-fold over the line below and a
mountain-fold over
the upper line. (The line below is
already prefolded).
Make the same folds on the other side of
the petal.
Make sure this is a petal with more
Step 25:
Press the petal a little further
downwards, in the direction
of the arrow.
Step 26:
Repeat step 24 and 25 on the other 2
petals with more
Step 27:
The 3 petals that still stand upwards
are made of the least
layers of paper.
Repeat step 24 on this petal (not step
Step 28:
And repeat step 24 on the other 2
petals, see arrows.
Step 29:
Make a mountain-fold on the tip of this
petal (with less
paper-layers), see short yellow line.

Step 30:
And make a mountain-fold over this short
Make sure the end of this petal stands
outwards, not
downwards, when you make this fold.
Step 31:
Repeat step 29 and 30 on the other 2
petals with less
paper layers, see arrows.

Step 32:
Make an inside reverse fold over the 3
short yellow lines
on the right, see large arrow. Do this
by making a
valley-fold over the longer line in the
middle and a
over the 2 shorter lines.
Make the same folds on the 2 other outer
petals, see
arrows on the left.

This iris is glued to a stem.
here to see diagrams for making a stem

Cute origami iris flowers picture