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Origami Boxes

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This is a tutorial for making a jewelry chest out of two paper squares.
The box paper is about 30x30 centimeters and the lid paper 15x15 centimeters.
Make a paper jewelry chestA nice and cute useful room decoration!

Step 1:
I layed a white 30x30 cm paper on a pink one and folded the box out of this combined paper.
Prefold in half over the two centerlines, they're already made in this photo.
Then fold the upper and lower half in three parts of the same size.

Make a paper jewelry chest


Make a paper jewelry chest

Make a paper jewelry chest                                                                        


Make a paper jewelry chest

Step 6:
Fold the corner upwards, use the prefolded lines as guidance.

Step 5:
Fold over this prefolded line.

Step 2:
Fold both parts in half and unfold the model afterwards.

Step 4:
Cut the white paper into this size, use the prefolded squares pattern as guidance.

Make a paper jewelry chest

Step 3:
Repeat step 1 and 2 in this direction.

Make a paper jewelry chest
Step 10:
Squash-fold the flaps around the corners.


Make a paper jewelry chest


Make a paper jewelry chest

Step 8:
Repeat step 6 and 7 on the other three corners.
Step 9:
Fold the four flaps against the model, use tape or glue.

Step 7:
Make sharper folding lines.

Origami Swan Boxes, Origami flowers, Origami Necklace Display and Origami Jewelry Chests

Make a paper jewelry chest

Step 16:
Prefold over these four lines.

Step 15:
This is the other side.
Fold the eight mountain-fold-lines about 1/4 (prefolded) square sidewards.
Step 12:
I layed a white 15x15 cm paper on a purple paper for the lid.
Fold in three parts of the same size and then in half. Unfold and repeat in the other direction.
Step 11:
Step 14:
Make sharper prefolded lines.


Make a paper jewelry chest


Make a paper jewelry chest

Make a paper jewelry chest Make a paper jewelry chest                                                                        
Make a paper jewelry chest

Step 13:
Fold the upper and lower edge to the prefolded line.


Make a paper jewelry chest


Make a paper jewelry chest


Step 19:
Fold the edges straight downwards, use tape or glue on the corners.

Step 18:
Prefold over these four lines.

Step 17:
Fold all corner edges into a straight line.

Make a paper jewelry chest




Make a paper jewelry chest







Origami Jewelry Chest

Origami Jewelry Chests                                                                        


This is a DIY video for making the paper jewelry chest:

Origami Jewelry Chest


Origami Jewelry Chest