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Only the front of the square paper is coloured.
Step 1:
Make a mountain-fold over the 2 yellow
Then, turn the model.
Step 2:
Make a valley-fold over these 2 lines.
Step 3:
Make a valley-fold over these 2 lines.
Step 4:
Fold the piece on the right of the
yellow line to the left
by making a valley-fold over this yellow
Step 5:
Fold the piece back to the right by
making a valley-fold
over this line.
Step 6:
Make a valley-fold over these 2 lines,
they lay almost on the
edge of the model.
The corners indicated by the 2 pink
arrows are pulled upwards
a bit when you make these folds.
Step 7:
Press everything flat from above at the
places indicated
by the arrows.
Step 8:
Make a valley-fold on the 2 corners
indicated by the arrows.
These folds make the bottom of the leaf
look more rounded.
Then curl the leaf around a pencil or
your finger.