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Only the front of the square piece of paper is coloured.
Step 1:
This is the front of the paper.
Turn the paper.
Step 2:
Make a valley-fold over the orange line.
Step 3:
Make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 4:
Fold the end down by making a
over the orange line.
Step 5:
Fold the end up by making a valley-fold
over this line.
Step 6:
Fold the end 4 for times up and down, in
same way as in step 4 and 5. (see the 4
orange lines).
Step 7:
Repeat step 4 to 6 for the other end.
Step 8:
Hold the model at the 2 big arrows with
one hand
and push the ends at the 2 small arrows
The leaf is ready!