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Hand full of Macarons

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                ORIGAMI MACARONS

This is how to make fake / decorative paper Macarons. I layed a white paper square
on a colored paper and folded the Macaron out of this selfmade paper.
I made my macarons in four different colors: Yellow, blue, purple and pink.

Step 1:
Use papers of about 15x15 centimeters and colored on one side.
Or you can use papers which are colored on both sides and lay another complete white paper on each colored one.
Prefold in half, then fold both edges just a little off the centerline, see next photo.

Make paper Macarons

Make paper Macarons


Make paper Macarons

Make paper Macarons                                                                        


Make paper Macarons

Step 6:
Fold this spot downwards, use the prefolded lines as guidance.

Step 5:
Glue the left edge to the right edge, see arrow.

Step 2:
Fold over this line.

Step 4:
Make two pleats by folding over these four lines.

Make paper Macarons

Step 3:
This is the other side of the model.
Prefold in half, then prefold both halfs in three parts of the same size.
Turn the model again afterwards.

Make paper Macarons
Step 10:
Press the bottom flat and open it again.


Make paper Macarons


Make paper Macarons

Step 8:
Repeat step 6 four more times, see pink arrows.
Step 9:
Turn the model.

Step 7:
Repeat step 6 with this spot.

Hand full of Macarons

Make paper Macarons

Step 12:
And close the other side again, use glue if necessary, see marked area and pink arrow as example.
Step 11:
Repeat steps 6 to 10 on the other side, without opening it up again.
Use glue if necessary.

Make paper Macarons


Make paper Macarons

Origami Macaron                                                                        



Origami Macaron

Origami Macarons

Origami Macarons


This is a DIY-video for making the fake macarons:

Origami pastry and candy                                                                        



Photo: Origami cupcakes, Origami macarons and an Origami cake slice in a selfmade paper cake box. All fake food and made out of paper ;)

Origami Macarons