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Origami Marshmallows

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This is how to make fake marshmallows out of yellow and pink sticky note papers.
Each marshmallow is made out of 2 yellow and 2 pink sticky notes sticked together
Make Origami Marshmallowsin a rectangle folding paper.

Step 1:
Prefold 2 yellow and 2 pink sticky notes in half and stick them together, one half on the other, see photo.

Make Origami Marshmallows


Make Origami Marshmallows

Make Origami Marshmallows                                                                        


Make Origami Marshmallows

Step 6:
Fold the edge backwards

Step 5:
Squash-fold the other three edges.

Step 2:
Prefold each part in half

Step 4:
Squash-fold this edge

Make Origami Marshmallows

Step 3:
Make zigzag folds over the prefolded lines and stick the left yellow part on the pink part at the right, see arrow.

Make Origami Marshmallows


Make Origami Marshmallows


Origami Marshmallow

Step 8:
Pull the pink edges backwards / outwards a little.

Step 7:
Fold the other edge backwards too

Fake Marshmallows in a bowl

Origami Marshmallows


This is a DIY-video for making the marshmallows:

Photo: Bowl with fake marshmallows and a fake strawberry cake slice

Origami Marshmallows



Origami Marshmallows