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Only the front of the square piece of paper is coloured.
Step 1:
This is the front of the paper.
Make a mountain-fold over the blue line.
Step 2:
Fold the red part of the paper back to
the front
by making a valley-fold over the blue line.
Step 3:
Make a tube of the model by laying the
piece at
the 2 arrows over the piece on the left,
with the
2 yellow dots.
Step 4:
Keep holding the model like this until
step 9, otherwise
the model will open by itself again.
Make a valley-fold over the upper-line
and a mountain-fold
over the line below.
Now the piece between the two lines is
above the
Step 5:
Repeat step 4 on two other places of the
white/grey piece
of the tube, see the 2 yellow arrows.
Step 6:
Make the white/grey piece of the model
more flat by
rolling it in the direction of the
yellow arrow and
pressing on it from the outside.
Step 7:
Now the model looks like this.
Step 8:
Push the white/grey piece of the model a
bit inside
the red piece of the model (in the
direction of the
yellow arrow)
Step 9:
Here you can see that a part of the
white/grey piece
is pressed inside the model.
Step 10:
Press the piece at the yellow arrow to
the inside.
Step 11:
Now, press more pieces to the inside, so
the red part
of the model looks a bit like you see in
the picture
of step 12.
Step 12:
If the red piece of the model is still a
bit to high
just make mountain-folds on the edges at
places (see arrows) until the red piece
is low
Press pieces of the edge below (of the
red part) to the
inside too, by making mountain-folds on
several places.
Step 13:
Pull pieces of the bottom of
the model (see yellow arrows)
to the outside and a bit aside.
If you've done this the mushroom can
stand on a
flat surface.
The mushroom (fly amanita) is