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           Origami OFFICE CHAIR

These are step by step instructions for folding a modern office chair.
Step 1:
Both sides of the paper have another color.
Prefold in half first, then fold the edges to the centerline.

Fold an Origami office chair                                                                        
Step 8:
Fold over these two lines.
Step 6:
Glue or tape the edges together (just the tip of the edges).


Step 11:
Turn the model.
Step 10:
Make the same folds as in step 9 on the other two edges
Step 9:
Fold over these two lines.
Step 5:
Fold the four corners inwards.
Origami chairs and coffee table


Step 7:
Fold the edge to the left

Origami chairs

Step 3:
Fold over the purple line.

Step 2:
Fold the edges to the centerline and unfold the model.

Fold an Origami office chair                                                                        



Step 4:
Fold the prefolded lines into the right direction.



Fold an Origami office chair                                                                        



Fold an Origami office chair




Fold an Origami office chair



Fold an Origami office chair




Fold an Origami office chair




Fold an Origami office chair




Fold an Origami office chair




Fold an Origami office chair


Step 12:
Press/fold flat, see pink arrows.

Step 13:
Fold the edges in half, do the same on the other side

Fold an Origami office chair                                                                        





Fold an Origami office chair
Fold an Origami office chair                          

Step 14:
Fold over these two lines.
Turn the model and make the folds of the final step.

Fold an Origami office chair

Origami office chair

Fold an Origami office chair

Origami dollhouse office

This is a standard/normal Origami chair with pink seat

This is an Origami video tutorial for folding the office chair:

Origami dollhouse office

Origami chair

Dollhouse office