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          Origami Orange Slice
This is how to fold fresh looking paper Orange Slices
Step 1:
One side of this paper is darker orange than the other side.

Fold paper Origami orange slices                                                                        
Step 8:
Prefold the edges to the centerline.
Then unfold the folds of step 7

Step 6:
Fold over these two lines.


Step 13:
Fold both ends to the inside (Valley-fold on the same place at the backside of the model)
Step 12:
Repeat step 11.

Step 11:
Press both spots against each other, do the same on the other side.
Step 10:
Fold in half.
Step 9:
Start with the folds in the middle, all lines are prefolded.
Use tape to make the model flat and shiny.

Step 5:
Fold the edges outwards.

Step 7:
Fold both ends to the center.
Then turn the model.

Origami Orange Slices

Fresh and juicy Orange Slices

Step 3:
Fold the edges outwards

Step 2:
Fold the edges to the centerline.

Fold paper Origami orange slices                                                                        



Step 4:
Fold over these two lines.



Fold paper Origami orange slices                                                                        



Fold paper Origami orange slices




Fold paper Origami orange slices



Fold paper Origami orange slices




Fold paper Origami orange slices




Fold paper Origami orange slices




Fold paper Origami orange slices




Fold paper Origami orange slices



Fold paper Origami orange slices                                                                        





Fold paper Origami orange slices Fold paper Origami orange slices  
Fold paper Origami orange slices                          

Step 14:
Make the same folds on the backside.
Use tape to keep the model closed.

One slice done..... A few extra folds and you can place it on the edge of a glass

First fold the edge outwards and then inwards, do the same on the other side.

Origami orange slice

Origami orange slices

Fold paper Origami orange slices

This is a DIY-video for folding the Orange Slices:

Fold paper Origami orange slices

paper Orange slices on glass edges