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Both sides of the square piece of paper are coloured.
Step 1:
This is the backside of the paper.
Turn the paper.
Step 2:
Make a valley-fold over these 2 lines.
Unfold each fold after you made one.
Step 3:
Make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 4:
Make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 5:
Make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 6:
Make a valley-fold over this line
Step 7:
And make a valley-fold over this line.
Step 8:
Open the model from the inside, see
Step 9:
Now the model looks like this.
Turn the model.
Step 10:
Press the bottom of the flower downwards
with one finger,
see arrow. Hold the model at the edge
(indicated with the
yellow dot) with your other hand while
you do this.
Step 11:
Turn the model.
Step 12:
Make a mountain-fold over the line in
the middle and a
valley-fold over the other 2 lines.
Step 13:
Repeat step 12 on the other 2
places with the green lines.
Step 14:
Make a mountain-fold over the
short green line on top in the
Step 15:
Make a mountain-fold over
these 2 short green lines on top
in the picture.
You get a more rounded petal by making
the folds from
step 14 and 15.
Step 16:
Repeat step 14 and 15 on the
other 2 petals, see arrows.
The flower is ready!