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Paper Origami Primroses
This is how to make a
real nice primroses flower arrangement.

Step 1:
The stem paper is
6x6inch, the flower and leaf papers are 3x3inch

Step 6:
Mountain-fold on
each corner.
Step 5:
Press the other
three edges downwards too
Step 2:
(Pre)fold in half,
then fold over the two outer lines
Step 4:
Press / fold this
edge downwards.

Step 3:
Repeat step 2 in
the other direction.

Step 10:
This is the other
side of the flower, pull the edges outwards

Step 8:
Pull these four
spots to the left (counter clockwise)
Step 9:
Press the center
Step 7:
Mountain-fold over
these eight lines

Step 16:
Repeat step 15
with this spot
Step 15:
Hold the edge in
one hand, then press this spot to the left
Step 12:
Mountain-fold over
both lines.
Step 11:
Step 14:
Fold in half
first, then fold over the two outer lines.

Step 13:
Mountain-fold over
these five lines.

Step 19:
Valley-fold on the
tip and curve / bend the stem.
Step 20:
Glue a flower to
the tip and one or two leafs to the stem.
Make as many of these flowers as you want
Step 18:
Cut of a
rectangular piece, then fold it in half about three times
Step 17:

Paper Origami flower
garden by Joost Langeveld
Done! The stems are
inserted in pots filled with large paper balls
This is a DIY-video by me, Joost Langeveld for folding the Primrose