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              Origami Purse
This is how to fold a fabric Origami purse in just a few steps
Step 1:
Glue a square paper to a piece of fabric, the paper makes the folding easier. Cut the fabric along the square.

Origami fashion workshop                                                                        
Step 8:
Fold the flap around the edge
Step 6:
Fold the corner to the spot indicated by the arrow.


Step 13:
The arrow on the left and right show the places where the edges are taped / glued together.
Fold over the pink line and slide the clip behind the edge, see arrow in the center.

Step 12:
Glue the edges together

Step 11:
Fold over the prefolded lines.
Step 10:
Fold / press both edges inwards, then open the model, see large arrow.
Step 9:
Fold the edge downwards again and prefold over the same line on the layer at the backside.
Step 5:
Fold over this line.
Fabric Origami Purses


Step 7:
Pull the edge upwards.

Make a fabric Origami purse
Fabric Origami Purses

Step 3:
Fold both edges a little off the centerline.

Step 2:
Prefold in half.

Make a fabric Origami purse                                                                        



Step 4:
Fold both edges to the centerline.



Make a fabric Origami purse                                                                        



Make a fabric Origami purse




Make a fabric Origami purse



Make a fabric Origami purse




Make a fabric Origami purse




Make a fabric Origami purse




Make a fabric Origami purse




Make a fabric Origami purse



Make a fabric Origami purse                                                                        





Make a fabric Origami purse Fabric Origami Purse  
Make a fabric Origami purse                          

Picture from top to bottom:
Barbie doll with Origami dress, studded shoulder bag and a fabric Origami purse.

Origami fashion accessories


This is a DIY video for making the Origami purse:

Origami and real fashion

Origami Purse