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Both sides of the square piece of paper are coloured.
Step 1:
Make mountain- and valley-folds over the
4 lines.
Unfold each fold after you made one.
Step 2:
Make a valley-fold at the 4 corners.
Step 3:
Make an inside-reverse fold over the 3
Now this piece of the model faces up.
Step 4:
Hold the 2 pieces at the 2 big arrows
and press them
against each other, in the direction of
these 2 arrows.
Curl the piece you've folded up in step
by pulling it in the direction of the
small arrows and
folding it a bit on several places.
Fold the top of the piece that faces up
in half,
so the model can't open by itself
Step 5:
Curl the piece that faces up even more,
so it looks like you see in the picture
of step 6.
Step 6:
Make a valley-fold on the bottom of the
flower, see
the big arrow. Make another
valley-fold across the
first fold you've made.
Fold little pieces of the edge of the
flower (see small arrows)
to the outside. Do this by just pressing
on the edge with
one finger.
Step 7:
The flower looks like this on the inside.
The flower is ready :-)
I think this flower looks a little bit
like a rose.