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           Origami Seahorse
This is a step by step tutorial for folding a colorful paper Seahorse.

Fold an Origami Seahorse
Origami Seahorse

Step 1:
The other side of this paper is pink. Other color combinations are also fine: Brown and yellow, purple and blue etc.
Prefold over these four lines.

Origami Seahorse

Fold an Origami Seahorse


Fold an Origami Seahorse

Fold an Origami Seahorse                                                                        


Fold an Origami Seahorse

Step 6:
Press these two places flat.

Step 5:
Fold both edges outwards.

Step 2:
Fold the four edges to the centerline.

Step 4:
Fold both corners to the inside.

Fold an Origami Seahorse

Step 3:
Unfold the model.

Fold an Origami Seahorse
Step 10:
Mountain-fold over the short white line.


Fold an Origami Seahorse


Fold an Origami Seahorse

Step 8:
Press both edges flat
Step 9:
Mountain-fold on the two corners

Step 7:
Fold over these two (curved) lines.

Fold an Origami Seahorse

Step 16:
Pull / fold the tip downwards, make the same folds on the other side (see white lines).

Step 15:
Repeat step 13 on this part
Step 12:
Fold the edge to the inside of the model.
Step 11:
Fold the model in half.
Step 14:
Repeat step 13 three more times


Fold an Origami Seahorse


Fold an Origami Seahorse

Fold an Origami Seahorse Fold an Origami Seahorse                                                                        
Fold an Origami Seahorse

Step 13:
Press these two spots against each other by folding over the three lines. Do the same on the other side.


Fold an Origami Seahorse


Fold an Origami Seahorse


Step 18:
Press the nose flat (except the tip of it) and fold both fins sidewards, see white lines.

Step 17:
Fold the tip to the inside.

Fold an Origami Seahorse




Origami Seahorse


Origami ocean animals                                                                        




This is a DIY-video by Joost Langeveld for folding the Seahorse: