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Origami Strawberries

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                 ORIGAMI STRAWBERRY

This is how to fold an Origami strawberry out of a 13x13 cm paper square.
One side of the paper is red and the other's green. I made my own printed
strawberry papers, you can also just add a green paper to a red one and fold
the strawberry out of this combined paper.

Step 1:
I used transparent tape to make the red side of the paper more shiny.
Prefold in half four times.

Fold an Origami Strawberry

Fold an Origami Strawberry


Fold an Origami Strawberry

Fold an Origami Strawberry                                                                        


Fold an Origami Strawberry

Step 6:
Press / fold these edges downwards over the prefolded lines.

Step 5:
Prefold over the two pink lines first, then fold the flap upwards over the thin upper line.

Step 2:
Fold the corner just a little beyond the center.

Step 4:
Turn the paper first.
Fold over the two lines at the bottom right. Then over the two diagonal lines and then over the two lines at the top left.

Fold an Origami Strawberry

Step 3:
Repeat step 2 with the other three corners.

Fold an Origami Strawberry
Step 10:
Fold the corner outwards


Fold an Origami Strawberry


Fold an Origami Strawberry

Step 8:
Fold on the two corners, do the same on the other side.
Step 9:
Open the model from below.

Step 7:
Fold the flap downwards and repeat steps 5 to 7 on the backside.

Strawberries in a box and out of the box

Fold an Origami Strawberry

Step 12:
Fold on the four tips
Step 11:
Fold the other three corners outwards.

Fold an Origami Strawberry


Fold an Origami Strawberry

Fold an Origami Strawberry Origami Strawberry                                                                        


Step 13:
Glue / tape these edges together.



Origami Strawberries


Origami Strawberry Custard

Origami Strawberry Custard




DONE... Nice!
This is a video tutorial for folding the strawberries:

Photos: Pink and yellow custard with strawberries




Origami Strawberries