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Make a paper Table Skirt
This is an easy way to make decorative
paper table skirts.
Step 1:
I cut wrapping paper into long paper strips, other papers are fine too.
Fold over the purple line.
Step 6:
Tape/glue the edges together.
Then repeat step 5 and 6 over the whole length of the strip.
Step 5:
The mountain-fold is prefolded and the valley-fold is 1/3 of the distance between the prefolded lines.
pink paper table skirt

Step 3:
Prefold over the whole length of the paper strip.
Step 2:
Use an object of 8 to 15 centimeters to place the folds, I used a stack of sticky notes.
Step 4:
This is the prefolded paper strip.

or glue a few of these parts together.... Done!