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Pumps with Origami Bow

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This is how to fold a (thin) Origami bow out of one paper square.
It's not very difficult and there's a DIY video for making it at the bottom of this page.

Fold an Origami Bow

Step 1:
Prefold over these four lines.

Fold an Origami Bow


Fold an Origami Bow

Fold an Origami Bow                                                                        


Fold an Origami Bow

Step 6:
Press the layers between the purple arrows against each other and fold the center of the model to the right, see short purple line.

Step 5:
Fold these four edges in half.

Step 2:
First, fold over the two lines below, then over the two lines in the middle. And then over the two upper lines. All folding lines are prefolded.

Step 4:
Repeat step 3 on the other three edges.

Fold an Origami Bow

Step 3:
Fold the edge in half.

Fold an Origami Bow
Step 10:
Press flat from aside, see purple arrows.


Fold an Origami Bow


Fold an Origami Bow

Step 8:
Fold these two edges downwards over the purple lines.
Step 9:
And fold the other two edges downwards.

Step 7:
Fold the center further to the right.

Pumps with Origami Bow decoration 
by Joost Langeveld

Fold an Origami Bow

Step 15:
Curve both flaps / ribbons
Step 12:
Bend / curve the upper two flaps.
Step 11:
Fold the center around the flap, use glue if necessary.
Step 14:
Fold the two lower flaps in half.


Fold an Origami Bow


Fold an Origami Bow

Fold an Origami Bow Fold an Origami Bow                                                                        
Fold an Origami Bow

Step 13:
Glue the tips to the model, see arrows.


Origami Bow



Photos:  Bag with Origami Bow and Flowers decoration, Origami Bangles, Origami Necklace Display and Pumps with Origami Bow decoration.




Pumps with Origami Bow                                                                        



This is a video tutorial for making the bow:



Origami fashion and accessoriesBag with Origami bow and flowers

Origami Bow


Origami Bow