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            Origami Tree
This is how to make a tree out of two square papers, both are the same size.
Using different sizes and colors brings more variation to your forest.
Make Origami trees
Origami trees

Step 1:
Prefold in half two times

Fold an Origami Tree
Fold an Origami Tree


Fold an Origami Tree

Fold an Origami Tree                                                                        


Fold an Origami Tree

Step 6:
Fold the edge on the right to the edge on the left, see arrows.

Step 5:
The prefolded squares pattern is used as guidance for the next folds.
Prefold in half two times, then turn the paper.

Step 2:
Fold the edges to the centerline.

Step 4:
Repeat steps 2 and 3 in this direction.

Fold an Origami Tree

Step 3:
Fold the edges to the centerline, then unfold the model.

Fold an Origami Tree
Step 10:
Repeat steps 6 to 9 on the other three corners.


Fold an Origami Tree


Fold an Origami Tree

Step 8:
Fold this corner inwards.
Step 9:
Press the layers between the arrows against each other, then lock them together by folding over the yellow line.

Step 7:
Prefold over this line.

Origami trees

Fold an Origami Tree

Step 16:
Fold over these two lines, then turn the model.

Step 15:
Mountain-fold over these two (random) lines.
Step 12:
Press the eight corners flat between your fingers or on a table.
Step 11:
Turn the model.
Step 14:


Fold an Origami Tree


Fold an Origami Tree

Fold an Origami Tree Fold an Origami Tree                                                                        
Fold an Origami Tree

Step 13:


Fold an Origami Tree


Fold an Origami Tree


Step 21:
Glue the top of the tree to this trunk.

Step 19:
Roll up

Step 20:
Press the model inwards at various spots.

Step 18:
Press both spots flat.

Step 17:
Valley-fold over these two lines

Fold an Origami Tree




Fold an Origami Tree


Fold an Origami Tree                                                                        

Fold an Origami Tree                                                                        

Origami tree                                                                        

Origami trees


Done! The more you make, the better.

This video on Facebook also has instructions for making the Origami Tree






Origami Tree