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    Dollhouse Origami Wardrobe
This is how to fold a nice wardrobe out of just one colored paper

Fold an Origami wardrobe
Origami wardrobe

Step 1:
Use a large square paper, prefold in half over both lines.

Origami wardrobe with Barbie doll accessoiries

Fold an Origami wardrobe

Fold an Origami wardrobe


Fold an Origami wardrobe

Fold an Origami wardrobe                                                                        


Fold an Origami wardrobe

Step 6:
Fold over the prefolded lines, then turn the model.

Step 5:
Use the prefolded lines as guidance.

Step 2:
Fold both halfs in three parts of the same size.

Step 4:
Repeat step 2 and 3 in the other direction.

Fold an Origami wardrobe

Step 3:
Fold the edges to the centerline, then unfold the model.

Fold an Origami wardrobe
Step 10:
Fold the edge upwards.


Fold an Origami wardrobe


Fold an Origami wardrobe

Step 8:
Fold over the prefolded lines, then press the edge to the left.
Step 9:
Make these folding lines sharper

Step 7:
Press the edge downwards.

Fold an Origami wardrobe

Step 16:
Fold the edge on the left upwards.

Step 15:
Fold the purple parts in half
Step 12:
Glue these parts together.
Step 11:
Fold these two edges upwards.
Step 14:
Fold / press these three flaps downwards


Fold an Origami wardrobe


Fold an Origami wardrobe

Fold an Origami wardrobe Fold an Origami wardrobe                                                                        
Fold an Origami wardrobe

Step 13:
Fold this edge upwards.


Fold an Origami wardrobe


Fold an Origami wardrobe


Step 18:
Fold the purple parts in half.

Step 17:
Fold / press the two flaps downwards

Fold an Origami wardrobe




Fold an Origami wardrobe


Real dollhouse accessoiries and Origami dollhouse furniture

Step 19:
Fold the left door backwards a little.

Origami wardrobe                                                                        

dollhouse Origami wardrobe
Origami wardrobe


This video by Joost Langeveld also shows you how to fold the Origami wardrobe:

Origami Barbie dollhouse

Origami dollhouse accessoiries

Origami dollhouse bedroom