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Origami Water Lilies
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              ORIGAMI WATER LILY

This is a slightly improved version of a water lily I designed earlier.
The flower is folded out of a white paper with a printed or hand drawn yellow center.
Fold an Origami Water Lily

Step 1:
This is the front of the paper, the backside is completely white. Prefold over these 4 lines.

Fold an Origami Water Lily


Fold an Origami Water Lily

Fold an Origami Water Lily                                                                        


Fold an Origami Water Lily

Step 6:
Pull the 4 outer petals upwards, see arrows.

Step 5:
And make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.

Step 2:
Make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.

Step 4:
Make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.

Fold an Origami Water Lily

Step 3:
Make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.

Fold an Origami Water Lily
Step 10:
Curl the 4 petals indicated by the arrows to the outside by just rolling up the tip of each petal.


Fold an Origami Water Lily


Fold an Origami Water Lily

Step 8:
Repeat step 7 with the other 3 petals indicated by the arrows.
Step 9:
Press the petal indicated by the large arrow against the petal indicated by the 2 smaller arrows. Repeat this on the other 3 petals at the same layer of the model.

Step 7:
Press the petal indicated by the arrow below against the 2 petals at the upper arrows.

White Water Lilies

Fold an Origami Water Lily


Origami Water Lily


Origami Water Lily

This is a view from above....  Done!



Origami Water Lily