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    Newspaper woven bag / purse bag

This is how to make a decorative / useful purse bag out of newspaper woven strips.

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Step 1:
Use pages with lots of colors, text only papers and papers with dark/black pictures.
Woven newspaper clutches

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse                                                                        


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Step 6:
One strip is done

Step 5:
Fold in half.

Step 2:
Fold in half.

Step 4:
Fold in half

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Step 3:
Fold in half, then unfold and cut along the prefolded lines

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse
Step 10:
Slide the strip all the way upwards, use tape or glue to fix it to the model


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Step 8:
Tape/glue alternately 14 strips vertically on the front and back of the horizontal strip
Step 9:
The next horizontal strip goes to the front first, then alternately to the back and front

Step 7:
Make about 15 colored strips and 15 text-only strips. The black strips for the frame are prefolded in half one more time

The clutches, flowers and doll dress are all made out of newspapers

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Step 16:
Tape / glue a black strip to the edge

Step 15:
Fold over these two short purple lines.
Step 12:
Weave 13 more horizontal strips through the model, start alternately on the front and back of the first vertical strip.
Step 11:
The third horizontal strip goes alternately to the back and front of the vertical strips
Step 14:
Fold over the two purple lines below


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse Make a woven newspaper clutch purse                                                                        
Make a woven newspaper clutch purse

Step 13:
Cut along the purple lines


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse


Step 21:
Fold over the two purple lines

Step 19:
Bend the strip around the corner again

Step 20:
Work all around the model

Step 18:
Tape / glue another black strip to the edge

Step 17:
Hold the strip in one hand (pink dot) and bend it around the corner with your other hand (pink arrow)

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse




Make a woven newspaper clutch purse


Make a woven newspaper clutch purse                                                                        

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse                                                                        

Make a woven newspaper clutch purse                                                                        

Woven newspaper clutch purse


Step 22:
Tape / glue two more black strips to the clutch and one small colored strip to use as hanger for the clutch.



Woven newspaper clutch purses



Pictures:  Newspaper and magazine flowers, newspaper Origami dress and real fashion accessories


Newspaper Origami fashion                                                                        

Newspaper Origami dress

Origami fashion and flowers


This is a DIY video tutorial for making the woven purse bag:

Woven newspaper bag