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   Make a Wrapping Paper Shopping Bag

This is how to make a shopping bag out of large wrapping papers.

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Wrapping paper shopping bags
Stap 1:
Take a large wrapping paper.
Fold both edges towards each other.

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag                                                                        


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Stap 6:
Prefold over these two lines, use the prefolded lines as guidance, see arrows.

Stap 5:
Prefold the edges to the centerlines.

Stap 2:
Cut off along the edge, into a square.

Stap 4:
Prefold in half over both lines.

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Stap 3:
This is the base for the bag.

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag
Stap 10:
Fold into a straight angle, use the prefolded lines as help.


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Stap 8:
Fold the edges to the prefolded lines.
Stap 9:
Fold both edges straight upwards.
(Fold over the two white lines if you want the inside of the bag completely white).

Stap 7:
Prefold over these two lines, use the prefolded lines as guidance.

Dotted Wrapping paper shopping bags

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Stap 16:
Curve the strip and glue both ends to the inside of the bag.
Repeat steps 15 and 16 with a second strip.

Stap 15:
Take a long rectangle and fold in half over the length 3 to 4 times.
Stap 12:
Fold both edges towards each other, see small arrow. Do the same on the other side, see large arrow.
Stap 11:
Fold into a straight angle.
Stap 14:
The bag itself is done.....


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Make a wrapping paper shopping bag Wrapping paper shopping bag                                                                        
Make a wrapping paper shopping bag

Stap 13:
Fold the edges on the bottom of the bag towards each other too.


Make a wrapping paper shopping bag


Wrapping paper shopping bag


Wrapping paper shopping bag


This is a video tutorial for folding the shopping bag:





Shopping bags

Woman with a shopping bag

Pictures: Woman with a shopping bag and shopping bag showcase with paper bags and a bag with leather bow.