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LEVEL: 02 SCORE: 0100
There's 'key1' written
next to the temple, maybe
it's behind that large plate.
We could use the dead
branch that lays next to
the jeep to get that plate
loose from the roof.
Does the map show anything about
this temple?
Go back to the jeep
To save the game it's enough to add the page where you are to the favourites of your
internet-browser (No special things are stored).
Click here to go to the first page of the game
I made a filmset of about 2/3 the size of a living room for this game. All models are origami,
kirigami or papercraft. I have instructions on my site for most origami models in this game
(elephant, hippo, tiger etc). I almost didn't edit/change the pictures I made for this game,
except the blue background in some pictures with a large tower in it.