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Origami Meadow Roses

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This is how to fold a cute red rose-like flower out of a colored paper square.
Instructions for making the flower stems are available here.
Fold Origami Meadow Roses

Step 1:
This is the front of the paper. Turn the paper.

Fold Origami Meadow Roses


Fold Origami Meadow Roses

Fold Origami Meadow Roses                                                                        


Fold Origami Meadow Roses

Step 6:
Insert a finger of your left hand in the opening at the arrow on the left. Hold the model at the yellow dot on the right with your right hand. Then turn this piece clockwise and lay the backside of it over the place indicated with the yellow dot on the left. Hold the model the same as I do in the picture of step 7 after you've done this.

Step 5:
Now the model has 8 ends of equal size. Fold the model in half over this line.

Step 2:
Make mountain- and valley-folds over these lines. Unfold each fold after you made one.

Step 4:
Fold the 4 ends back to the outside of the model by making a valley-fold over these lines.

Fold Origami Meadow Roses

Step 3:
Make a valley-fold over these 4 lines.

Fold Origami Meadow Roses
Step 10:
Now the model looks like this from below. Pull the 4 petals on the outside of the model a bit upwards, see the yellow arrows. Then, turn the model again.


Fold Origami Meadow Roses


Fold Origami Meadow Roses

Step 8:
Now the model looks like this. The model may still open by itself but after the folds from step 9 everything will stay in place.
Step 9:
Press the bottom of the flower flat from all sides, see the yellow arrows.

Step 7:
Insert the end indicated by the large arrow (this is the same end as indicated with the dot on the right in step 6) in the opening indicated by the small arrow (this is the same opening as indicated by the dot on the left in step 6) Then press this place flat from both sides so the model won't open by itself anymore.

Cute red Origami Roses (easy-to-fold)

Fold Origami Meadow Roses


Origami Meadow Rose


Origami Meadow Roses

DONE!     Step-by-step instructions for the stems are available here
This is an Origami video tutorial for folding the Roses:




Origami Meadow Roses