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You don't see origami hats on the internet real
often, so it seemed fun to me to try
design an origami sombrero.
Step 1:
This is the front of the paper.
The backside is almost the same, but it
has no
purple border.
Make mountain- and valley-folds over
these 4 lines.
Unfold each fold after you've made one.
Step 2:
Pull the corner at the left (see arrow)
to the corner at
the upper right.
Do this by making a valley-fold over the
line on the right
and a mountain-fold over the line on the
These lines are already prefolded in
step 1.
Step 3:
Fold the end at the arrow downwards by
making a
valley-fold over the green line. Make
this fold over both
layers of the loose piece.
Step 4:
Fold the loose piece (see arrow) to the
left by making
a valley-fold over the green line.
Step 5:
Fold the corner (see arrow) to the
backside of the model
by making a mountain-fold over the green
Step 6:
Make a mountain-fold over these 2 short
green lines.
Step 7:
Repeat step 5 and 6 on the other 2
corners of the model,
see arrows.
These folds make the hat more round.
Step 8:
Now the model looks like this, turn the
Step 9:
Hold the model the same as I do in this
Press the bottom of the model (see large
arrow) downwards
with a finger of your other hand.
The model won't open while you do this,
because your
thumb holds the open edge on place, see
smaller arrows.
Step 10:
Press the bottom a little further
downwards on the edges,
see arrows.
Keep holding the open edge on place with
your thumb
while you do this.
Step 11:
Turn the model again.
Step 12:
Hold the model the same as I do in this
Hold a piece of the edge, see arrows, in
your other hand
and push this piece your holding
downwards a little.
Do this on several places of the model,
see arrows for
It's no problem if you get some wrinkles
in the model
while you do this.
Step 13:
Lay the model on the table and
press the edge (see arrows)
flat from above. You don't have to press
the purple border
Make sure the wrinkles are pressed flat
The sombrero is ready!