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Origami Dracula Skulls

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This is how to fold a Dracula Skull out of one paper square.
I designed this skull for my book Horror-Gami

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 1:
Prefold over these two lines.
Origami Skull

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull                                                                        


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 6:
Valley-fold over these two purple lines.

Step 5:
Pull the corners indicated by the two arrows downwards, in the direction of the arrows. Hold the model in your other hand at the spot indicated by the purple dot while you do this.
Then press the model flat again

Step 2:
Fold over these 2 lines. The line below is prefolded in step 1

Step 4:
Fold over these 4 lines.

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 3:
Fold over these two lines.

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull
Step 10:
First valley-fold over the line below, then over the upper line.


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 8:
Pull the flap indicated by the arrow out of the model.
Step 9:
Press the tip of the flap flat between your fingers, do this by making a rabbit-ear fold over the three short lines on top (=valley-fold over the line in the middle and a mountain-fold over the 2 outer lines).
Keep holding the tip between your fingers and push it downwards by making a valley-fold over the 2 longer lines below.

Repeat step 8 and 9 on the flap at the left.

Step 7:
Fold over these two lines.

White Origami Dracula Skulls

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 16:
Turn the model.

Step 15:
Push the two edges indicated by the arrows against each other by making a valley-fold over this line.
Step 12:
Push the places indicated by the two arrows backwards by making a mountain-fold over these two lines.

Step 11:
Mountain-fold the edge straight backwards.
Step 14:
Push the corner inwards by making a mountain-fold over these three lines.


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull Fold an Origami Dracula Skull                                                                        
Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 13:
Push these two places backwards too.


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull


Step 19:
Repeat steps 14 to 18 on the left.

Step 20:
Press the upper part of the nose flat between your fingers by making a mountain-fold over the purple line.

Step 18:
Turn the model again

Step 17:
Valley-fold over this line, then press the edge flat between your fingers.

Fold an Origami Dracula Skull




Fold an Origami Dracula Skull


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull                                                                        






Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Step 21:
Pull the edges indicated by the two arrows upwards.
Pull the lower eyelids upwards.....    DONE!
This is an Origami DIY video for folding the Dracula Skull:


Fold an Origami Dracula Skull

Pictures: Origami Zombie, Origami Dracula Skulls and an Origami Vampire

Origami Dracula Skull


Origami Dracula Skulls
Origami Vampire

Origami Zombie