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I made 3 different candy textures and printed them on photo papers.
Printable candy papers are available here
Origami candy papers
Step 1:
All papers are the same size and colored on one side


Step 2:
Valley-fold over this line

Make Origami Candy                                                                                   





Make Origami Candy

Step 3:
Valley-fold over this line

Step 4:
Valley-fold over these 2 lines


Make Origami Candy




Step 5:
Curl both ends of the model by rolling them up with your fingers

Make Origami Candy

Step 6:
Insert the end on the right in the opening indicated by the arrow




Make Origami Candy

Step 7:
Push the edges inwards by making a mountain-fold over these 2 lines



Make Origami Candy

Step 8:
Repeat step 7 on the two edges below



Make Origami Candy


Done! About 100 candies are enough to fill a candy jar.

This is a DIY video for making the Origami candy:


Origami candy

Origami hard candy

Origami candy



Origami candy