Joost Langeveld Origami Page

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LEVEL: 04             SCORE: 0410
                                                                 Are you going in the direction of farmer Bob?
                                                                 Yes, I have to go there too, want a lift?
                                                                 Yes, 20 miles walking is a bit to much for me
                                                                 Oké, you can drive with me if you deliver
                                                                 this bag of rat-poison to the chicken-farmer
                                                                 here. I've carried enough of these bags

                                                                 Oké, I'll bring that bag for you


To save the game it's enough to add the page where you are to the favourites of your
internet-browser (No special things are stored).

Click here to go to the first page of the game

Everything you see in this game is made of paper and called origami, kirigami or
papercraft. I made a filmset of about half the size of a living-room first,
then I made all pictures I needed for the game.
I have folding instructions on this site for most origami models you see in the game.

origami cow talking to a bug